Just a Random Blog

Photo by 500photos.com from Pexels

I’m writing this blog because I haven’t written one in awhile. I am currently working on two books, a fiction and a nonfiction, so that is what I’m mostly working on. The demands of my job also play a role in me not writing more blogs, unless I decide to turn my blog site into how I really feel about my job, which I’m not going to do.

The nonfiction book is really the main reason why I’m not being more consistent in my blog writing. The book is Christian-inspired, and my blog page is mostly Christian-inspired. That means if I’m focus too much on my blog writing, it might take away some of the potential writing material I could use for my book. I might sound like I’m making excuses, but that is the way I feel.

The way I feel could be the cause of me not doing more. Here lately, I’ve been having a problem with maintaining my energy level throughout the day, and I drink coffee every day. I might not be getting enough sleep. It could possibly be my testosterone level, I don’t know. I have, however, ordered a natural supplement to hopefully take care of this issue — then maybe I will be more consistent in everything I do.

I did have enough energy to work out today, although I could have done more, like work on one of my books. Maybe I shouldn’t be so hard on myself, but I want to be successful in everything I do. One of my favorite celebrities is Jennifer Lopez. She is talented in so many things and she is extremely attractive. I often fantasize about her. But what I really love about her is her work ethic. She is one of the few celebrities that I feel truly deserves the amount of success she has. I’ve followed her career since the early 1990s and she has always worked on improving her brand. I hope to have even a fraction of her success. And I could; all I have to do is work just as hard as she does. Unfortunately, my work ethic is not there yet.

Hopefully, this blog is the start. I wasn’t going to write a blog today, but what is the point of having a blog page if I’m not going to blog consistently. Instead of thinking about what to write, I just decided to write. Can I write another blog before the week is over with? Only time will tell.

Published by J.C. Maine

I am a part-time author who lives in the wonderful state of Virginia. My desire is to entertain with the magic of storytelling, and to use my life experiences to improve the lives of other people.

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  1. I have a question about your book I believe I should not post in public. Could you send me an email so I can ask away?

    Thank you
